Brian Michael Slator

Computer Science and Operations Research
North Dakota State University
IACC Building, Rm. #258-A6
Fargo, ND 58105
phone: (701) 231-6124


Ph.D. 1988 Computer Science (Related Area: Linguistics)
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Dissertation: Lexical Semantics and Preference Semantics Analysis; Advisor: Dr. Yorick A. Wilks.
M.S. 1985 Computer Science (Minor: Linguistics),
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM;
Thesis: Natural Language Interface: An Algorithm for Design.
B.S. 1983 Computer Science (with Honors; second major in English),
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse.


2001-presentProfessor Department of Computer Science and Operations Research
North Dakota State University.
1996-2001Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and Operations Research
North Dakota State University.
1992-1996Assistant Professor (Research) The Institute for the Learning Sciences
Northwestern University.
1990-1992Research Associate The Institute for the Learning Sciences
Northwestern University.
1989-1992Research Specialist Natural Language Group, Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State University.
1988-1990Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science
North Dakota State University.
1985-1988 Graduate Research Fellow Natural Language Group, Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State University.



  1. Books

    1. Wilks, Yorick A., Brian M. Slator, and Louise Guthrie (1996). Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers and Meanings. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

  2. Journal Articles

    1. Johnston, Eunice, Brian M. Slator, Jeffrey T. Clark, Gary K. Clambey, Shawn Fisher, James E. Landrum III, D. Martinson, J.L Vantine, Justin Hawley, Josh Dorothy, Tim Rousch, and Aaron Bergstrom (2002). A historical virtual environment for archeology and creative writing students. CSS Journal (Computers in the Social Studies). July/September. 10(3).
    2. Clark, Jeffrey T., Brian M. Slator, William Perrizo, James E. Landrum, III, Richard Frovarp, Aaron Bergstrom, Sanjay Ramaswamy, and William Jockheck. (2002). The Digital Archive Network for Anthropology (DANA), a National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Initiative Journal of Digital Information (JODI).
    3. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald P. Schwert, and Brian M. Slator (2001). Geology Explorer: Virtual Geologic Mapping and Interpretation. Journal of Computers and Geosciences. 28(10), pp. 1167-1176.
    4. Slator, Brian M., Paul Juell, Phil McClean, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald Schwert, Alan White, Curt Hill (1999). Virtual Environments for Education. The Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 22(4). Academic Press.
    5. Manaris, Bill Z. and Brian M. Slator (1996). Interactive Natural Language Processing. IEEE Computer Magazine. Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 28-32 (Introduction to the Special Edition on Interactive Natural Language Processing).
    6. Guthrie, Louise, James Pustejovsky, Yorick A. Wilks and Brian M. Slator (1996). The Role of Lexicons in Natural Language Processing. Communications of the ACM. Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 63-72. (Special Edition on Natural Language Processing, edited by Yorick A. Wilks)
    7. Slator, Brian M. and Scott D. MacQuarrie (1995). Case-based Reasoning, Multi-media Learning Environments and Tools for AI. International Journal of Microcomputer Applications (IJMA). Vol. 14, No. 3, 101-106. Edited by L. Miller. (Revision of MIDAS-94, below).
    8. Slator, Brian M. and Kerim C. Fidel (1994). Topical Indexing and Questions to Represent Text for Retrieval and Browsing. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering , Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 495-510. (Special Issue on Knowledge Extraction from Text, edited by Steven Leo Lytinen). Wiley and Sons: New York.
    9. Wilks, Y., Guthrie L, Guthrie J, Cowie J, Farwell D, Slator B, and Bruce, R. 1993. A Research Program on Machine-Tractable Dictionaries and Their Application to Text Analysis. Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol. 8, No. 4. (special issue, eds. Ostler & Zampolli)
    10. Slator, Brian M. (1992). Sense and Preference. Computers and Mathematics with Applications: an International Journal (CMAIJ), Vol. 23, No. 6-9, pp. 391-402 (Invited paper, Special Issue on Semantic Networks, edited by Fritz Lehmann, also appears in SNAI, below).
    11. Slator, Brian M. and Christopher K. Riesbeck (1992). TaxOps: a case-based advisor. International Journal of Expert Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 117-140 (Special issue on Case-based Reasoning, edited by Evangelous Simoudis), JAI Press: Greenwich, CT.
    12. Wilks, Yorick A., Dan C. Fass, Cheng-Ming Guo, James E. McDonald, Tony Plate, and Brian M. Slator (1990). Providing Machine Tractable Dictionary Tools. Machine Translation, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 99-151. (Revision of SATL, below).
    13. Andersen, Sandra and Brian M. Slator (1990). Requiem for a Theory: the Story Grammar story. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 253-275.
    14. Slator, Brian M. (1989). Extracting Lexical Knowledge from Dictionary Text. Knowledge Acquisition: an International Journal (KAAIJ), edited by Brian R. Gaines and John Boose. Vol. 1, No. 1, March. pp. 89-112. London: Academic Press. (Revision of Proceedings of KAKBSW, below).
    15. Slator, Brian M., Matthew P. Anderson and Walt Conley (1986). Pygmalion at the Interface. Communications of the ACM. (Special Section on the Human Aspects of Computing, edited by Henry Ledgard), Vol. 29, No. 7, July. pp. 599-605. (Revision of CRL-MCCS-85-26, below).

  3. Conference Proceedings

    1. Opgrande, John E., Brian M. Slator, Aaron Bergstrom, Phil McClean, Bradley Vender, Alan R. White (2002). Coordinating Pilot Studies for Distributed Learning Environments with Web-based Support Tools. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing. St. Thomas, VI: November 18-20, pp. 83-88.
    2. Slator, Brian M., Jeffrey T. Clark, Lisa M. Daniels, Phil McClean, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald P. Schwert, Alan R. White, Curt Hill (2002). Immersive Virtual Environments. Proceedings of the Beyond Boundaries Conference: Integrating Technology into Teaching & Learning. UND: Grand Forks, ND, September 19-20 (CD-ROM), 5 pages.
    3. Johnston, Eunice, Brian M. Slator, Jeffrey T. Clark, Gary K. Clambey, Shawn Fisher, James E. Landrum III, D. Martinson, J.L Vantine, Justin Hawley, Joshua Dorothy, and T. Rousch (2002). A historical virtual environment for archeology and creative writing students. Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA Conference, 2002. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. June 24-29, 2002. Denver, CO. pp. 874-875.
    4. Clark, Jeffrey T., Brian M. Slator, Aaron Bergstrom, Francis Larson, Richard Frovarp, James E. Landrum III, William Perrizo, William Jockheck. (2002). DANA (Digital Archive Network for Anthropology) A Model for Digital Archiving. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2002), Special Track on Database and Digital Library Technology. Madrid, Spain, March 10-14.
    5. Clark, Jeffrey T., Aaron Bergstrom, James E. Landrum, III, Francis Larson, and Brian M. Slator. (2002). Digital Archive Network for Anthropology (DANA): three-dimensional modeling and database development for Internet access. In: Proceedings of the VAST Euroconference, Arezzo. November 24-25, 2000. (Franco Niccolucci, editor) BAR International Series 1075.
    6. Slator, Brian M., Jeffrey T. Clark, James Landrum III, Aaron Bergstrom, Justin Hawley, Eunice Johnston, and Shawn Fisher. (2001). Teaching with Immersive Virtual Archaeology. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM-2001). Berkeley, CA, Oct. 25-27, pp. 253-262.
    7. Clark, Jeffrey T., Brian M. Slator, Aaron Bergstrom, Francis Larson, Richard Frovarp, James E. Landrum III, William Perrizo. (2001). Preservation and Access of Cultural Heritage Objects Through a Digital Archive Network for Anthropology. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM-2001). Berkeley, CA, Oct. 25-27, pp. 28-38.
    8. Slator, Brian M. (2001). Immersive Role-Based Environements for Education. Invited Speaker. Proceedings of the WebNet World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WebNet 2001), Orlando, FL, Oct. 23-27, pp. 1132-1138.
    9. Slator, Brian M. with the members of CsCI345 (2001). Rushing Headlong into the Past: the Blackwood Simulation. Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2001). Honolulu, HI, August 13-16, pp. 318-323. Complete author list at
    10. Slator, Brian M., Jeffrey Clark, Paul Juell, Phil McClean, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald P. Schwert, Alan R. White (2001). Research on Role-based Learning Technologies. Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT-01). Madison, WI, Aug. 6-8. pp. 37-41
    11. Brian M. Slator, Jeffrey Clark, Paul Juell, Phil McClean, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald P. Schwert, Alan R. White, John Bauer, Francis Larson, Bradley Vender, Aaron Bergstrom, Otto Borchert, Robert Cosmano, Justin Hawley, Christina Johnson, John Opgrande, Rebecca Potter, Paul Rye, Lester Sjoblom, Shannon Tomac, and the NDSU Worldwide Web Instructional Committee (2001). Demonstrations of Virtual Worlds for Education Research at NDSU. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Multimedia and Distance Education (ICIMADE-01). Fargo, ND, June 1-3. pp. 148-154
    12. Borchert, Otto, Aaron Bergstrom, Jill Hockemeyer, Jeffrey Clark, Paul Juell, Phil McClean, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald P Schwert, Brian M Slator, Alan R White, Curt Hill, John Bauer, Francis Larson, Brad Vender, Bryan Bandli, Bing Chen, Michelle Dean, Richard Frovarp, Guy Hokanson, Christina Johnson, Jeff Kittleson, Ned Kruger, James Landrum, Mei Li, Benjamin Nichols, John Opgrande, Rebecca Potter, Patrick Regan, Lai Ong Teo, Anurag Tokhi, Shannon Tomac, Joy Turnbull, Jane Willenbring, Qiang Xioo, Xinhai Ye, Melissa Zuroff. (2001), Recent Advances in Immersive Virtual Worlds For Education. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS-01), Cedar Falls, IA. April 5-7. [CD-ROM: /PAPERS/ BORCHERT.PDF]
    13. Slator, Brian M., Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald P. Schwert, (2001) Mining for Problem-solving Styles in a Virtual World. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE'01), Orlando, FL, March 4-10, pp. 2536-2540.
    14. McClean, Phillip, Bernie Saini-Eidukat, Donald Schwert, Brian Slator, Alan White (2001). Virtual Worlds in Large Enrollment Biology and Geology Classes Significantly Improve Authentic Learning. In Selected Papers from the 12th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning (ICCTL-01), Jack A. Chambers, Editor). Jacksonville, FL: Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. April 17-21, pp. 111-118.
    15. Clark, J. T., A. Bergstrom, J. Landrum, III, F. Larson, and B. Slator. (2001). Digital Archiving Network, for Anthropology. In Proceedings of the Virtual Archaeology Between Scientific Research and Territorial Marketing Conference, Arezzo, Italy, November 2000. Edited by F. Niccolucci. Oxford: BAR International Series.
    16. Hill, Curt and Brian M. Slator (2000). Computer Science Instruction in a Virtual World. World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2000), June 26-July 1, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
    17. Slator, Brian M. (1999). Intelligent Tutors in Virtual Worlds. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems. Denver, CO. June 24-26, pp. 124-127.
    18. White, Alan R., Phillip E. McClean, and Brian M. Slator (1999). The Virtual Cell: An Interactive, Virtual Environment for Cell Biology. World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 99), June 19-24, Seattle, WA, pp. 1444-1445.
    19. Slator, B.M., P. Juell, P.E. McClean, B. Saini-Eidukat, D.P. Schwert, A. White, C. Hill (1999). Virtual Environments for Education at NDSU. World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 99), June 19-24, Seattle, WA, pp. 875-880. (*Outstanding Paper Award*).
    20. Slator, Brian M. and Curt Hill (1999). Mixing Media For Distance Learning: Using IVN And Moo In Comp372. World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 99), June 19-24, Seattle, WA, pp. 881-886.
    21. Slator, Brian M., Donald Schwert, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat (1999). Phased Development of a Multi-Modal Virtual Educational World. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE'99), Cherry Hill, NJ, May 6-8, pp. 92-96.
    22. Saini-Eidukat, Bernhardt, Don Schwert and Brian M. Slator (1999). Designing, Building, and Assessing a Virtual World for Science Education. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA-99), April 7-9, Cancun, pp. 22-25.
    23. McClean, P.E. , D.P. Schwert, P. Juell, B. Saini-Eidukat, B.M. Slator, A. White. (1999). Cooperative Development of Visually-Oriented, Problem-Solving Science Courseware. International Conference on Mathematics/Science Education &Technology, March 1-4, San Antonio, TX, pp. 486-491.
    24. Schwert, D.P., B.M. Slator, B. Saini-Eidukat, (1999). A Virtual World For Earth Science Education In Secondary And Post-Secondary Environments: The Geology Explorer. International Conference on Mathematics/Science Education &Technology, March 1-4, San Antonio, TX, pp. 519-525.
    25. Slator, Brian M., Jeff Clark, Paul Juell, Joe Latimer, Phil McClean, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Don Schwert, Alan White, Neil Amalraj, Spencer Anderson, Radha Balakrishnan, John Bauer, Aaron Bergstrom, Otto Borchert, Jill Bozovsky, Bing Chen, Krista Dauner, Faye Erickson, Golam Farooque, Curt Hill, Lance Holden, Jason Huck, Kuo-Di Jian, William Jockheck, Beau Kautzman, Srinivas Kanala, Umesh Kedla, Trevor Klein, Srinivas Kolipaka, Ned Kruger, Atif Majeed, Suresh Maram, Kishore Peravali, Rebecca Potter, Mark Rose, Jaime Sebelius, Mahesh Sharma, Josh Stompro, Leah Tilly, Brad Vender, Dean Vestal, Pradeep Vorugu, Eric Vossler, Jin Wang, Hong Wu, Yihe Wu, Qiang Xiao, Jozef Zelenak, Jun Zhou (1999). Research and Development of Virtual Worlds for Immersive Instruction. In the Proceedings of the Small College Computing Symposium (SCCS99). La Crosse, WI, April 15-17. Online see:
    26. Slator, Brian M. and Golam Farooque (1998). The Agents in an Agent-based Economic Simulation Model. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry And Engineering (CAINE-98) November 11-13, 1998, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, pp. 175-179. (International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA)).
    27. Slator, Brian M., D. Schwert, B. Saini-Eidukat, P. McClean, J. Abel, J. Bauer, B. Gietzen, N. Green, T. Kavli, L. Koehntop, B. Marthi, V. Nagareddy, A. Olson, Y. Jia, K. Peravali, D. Turany, B. Vender, J. Walsh (1998). Planet Oit: a Virtual Environment and Educational Role-playing Game to Teach the Geosciences. In the Proceedings of the Small College Computing Symposium (SCCS98). Fargo-Moorhead, April 17-18. pp. 378-392. Online see:
    28. Hill, Curt and Brian M. Slator (1998) Virtual Lecture, Virtual Laboratory, or Virtual Lesson. In the Proceedings of the Small College Computing Symposium (SCCS98). Fargo-Moorhead, April 17-18. pp. 159-173.
    29. Slator, Brian M. and Harold "Cliff" Chaput (1996). Learning by Learning Roles: a virtual role-playing environment for tutoring. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'96). Montréal: Springer-Verlag, June 12-14, pp. 668-676. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by C. Frasson, G. Gauthier, A. Lesgold).
    30. Hooker, Robert and Brian M. Slator (1996). A Model of Consumer Decision Making for a Mud Based Game. Proceedings of the Simulation-Based Learning Technology Workshop at the Third International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'96). Montréal, June 11, pp. 49-58.
    31. Slator, Brian M. (1994). Tools for Managing Stories and Questions. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tools with AI (TAI-94). New Orleans, November 6-9, pp. 237-238.
    32. Slator, Brian M. and Scott D. MacQuarrie (1994). Case-based Reasoning, Multi-media Learning Environments and Tools for AI. Proceedings of the Second Annual Mid-continent Information and DAtabase Systems Conference (MIDAS-94). Fargo, ND, May 22-23, pp. 188-202.
    33. Hinrichs, Thomas R., E. Ray Bareiss and Brian M. Slator (1993). Representation Issues in Multimedia Case Retrieval. Proceedings of the AAAI-93 Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning . Edited by David B. Leake. AAAI Press Technical Report Series.
    34. Slator, Brian M. and E. Ray Bareiss (1992) Incremental Reminding: the case-based elaboration and interpretation of complex problem situations. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Bloomington, IN, pp. 1122-1127.
    35. Slator, Brian and Kerim C. Fidel (1991). Knowledge Acquisition for Case-based Consulting. In the Proceedings of the 6th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-based Systems Workshop (KAKSW). Banff, Canada, Oct. 6-11, pp. 30/1-15.
    36. Guthrie, Louise, Brian M. Slator, Yorick A. Wilks, and Rebecca Bruce (1990). Is There Content in Empty Heads? Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-90). Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 20-25.
    37. Slator, Brian M., Shahrzad Amirsoleymani, Sandra Andersen, Kent Braaten, John Davis, Rhonda Ficek, Hossein Hakimzadeh, Lester McCann, Joseph Rajkumar, Sam Thangiah, Daniel Thureen (1990). Towards Empirically Derived Semantic Classes. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RMCAI-90). Las Cruces, NM, June 28-30. pp. 257-262.
    38. Slator, Brian M. (1989). Using Context for Sense Preference. P roceedings of the First International Lexical Acquisition Workshop (FILAW). Detroit, MI: IJCAI-89. August 21. pp. 13/1-8. (Revision appears in Using On-Line Resources to Build a Lexicon, edited by Uri Zernik, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991).
    39. Slator, Brian M. and Yorick A. Wilks (1989). PREMO: Parsing by Conspicuous Lexical Consumption. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University. August 28-31. pp. 401-413. (Revision appears in Current Issues in Parsing Technologies, edited by Masura Tomita, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991).
    40. Slator, Brian M., Richard H. Fowler, and Imre Balogh. (1989). Cognitive Systems and Cognitive Reality. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RMCAI-89). Denver, CO, June 8-9, pp. 199-206. (Also as NDSU-CS-TR-89-8, below).
    41. Fowler, Richard H. and Brian M. Slator (1989). Information Retrieval and Natural Language Analysis. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RMCAI-89). Denver, CO, June 8-9, pp. 129-136. (Also as NDSU-CS-TR-89-7, below).
    42. Slator, Brian M., Richard H. Fowler and Imre Balogh (1989). On Psychological Plausibility in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems: Poster Session Program (ISMIS'89). Charlotte, NC: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ONRL-DSRD-24). October 12-14, pp. 155-166.
    43. Slator, Brian M. (1988). Extracting Lexical Knowledge from Dictionary Text. Proceedings of the 3rd Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop (KAKBSW). Sponsored by AAAI. Banff, Canada. November 7-11. Paper No. 33, pp. 1-18. (Revision in KAAIJ, above).
    44. Slator, Brian M. (1988). PREMO: the PREference Machine Organization. Proceedings of the Third Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RMCAI-88). Denver, CO, June 13-15, pp. 258-265.
    45. Slator, Brian M. (1988). Constructing Contextually Organized Lexical Semantic Knowledge-bases. Proceedings of the Third Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RMCAI-88). Denver, CO, June 13-15, pp. 142-148.
    46. Wilks, Yorick, Dan Fass, Cheng-Ming Guo, James E. McDonald, Tony Plate, and Brian M. Slator. (1988). Machine Tractable Dictionaries as Tools and Resources for Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-88). Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 22-27, pp. 750-755.
    47. Slator, Brian M. and Yorick A. Wilks. (1987). Towards Semantic Structures from Dictionary Entries. Proceedings of the Second Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RMCAI-87) Boulder, CO, June 17-19, pp. 85-96. (Also as CRL-MCCS-87-96, below; revised in LAAI, above).
    48. Wilks, Yorick, Dan Fass, Cheng-Ming Guo, James E. McDonald, Tony Plate, and Brian M. Slator (1987). A Tractable Machine Dictionary as a Resource for Computational Semantics. Proceedings of the Works hop on Natural Language Technology Planning (WNLTP). Blue Mountain Lake, NY, Sept. 20-23, Paper No. 6, pp. 1-25. (Also as CLNLP, 1989, above, and CRL-MCCS-87-105, below).

  4. Book Chapters

    1. Slator, Brian M., Jeffrey T. Clark, Lisa M. Daniels, Curt Hill, Phil McClean, Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Donald P. Schwert, and Alan R. White (2002). Use of virtual worlds to teach the sciences. In: Virtual Environments for Teaching and Learning, (L.C. Jain, R.J. Howlett, N.S. Ichalkaranje, G. Tonfoni, editors). Singapore: World Scientific PublishingCo. Pte. Ltd., pp.1-40
    2. Slator, Brian M., Harold H. Chaput, Kerim C. Fidel, Ken Greenlee, Debra Jenkins, Scott MacQuarrie, Colette Marine, Leena Nanda, Lee Pavlock, and Diane Schwartz (1994). Problem Solving and Case-based Reasoning. Annual Review of Communications. National Engineering Consortium: Chicago, IL. pp. 435-444.
    3. Louise Guthrie, Joe Guthrie, Yorick A. Wilks, Jim Cowie, David Farwell, Brian M. Slator, and Rebecca Bruce (1994). A research program on machine-tractable dictionaries and their application to text analysis. In Text Analysis and Machine Tractable Dictionaries, edited by Nicoletta Calzolari.
    4. Slator, Brian M. (1994). Machine Tractable Dictionaries in the 21st Century. In Machine Tractable Dictionaries, edited by Cheng-Ming Guo. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
    5. Wilks, Yorick A., Dan C. Fass, Cheng-Ming Guo, James E. McDonald, Tony Plate, and Brian M. Slator (1994). Providing Machine Tractable Dictionary Tools. In Semantics and the Lexicon (SATL), edited by James Pustejovsky. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (Revision appears in Machine Translation, 5, 2, 99-151, edited by Sergei Nirenburg.)
    6. Bareiss, E. Ray, and Brian M. Slator (1993). The Evolution of a Case-based Approach to Knowledge Representation, Categorization, and Learning, In Categorization by Humans and Machines. (The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Vol. 29, Chapter 6, pp. 157-186, edited by Nakamura, Taraban, and Medin). San Diego: Academic Press.
    7. Slator, Brian M. (1992). Sense and Preference. In Semantic Networks in Artificial Intelligence (SNAI), edited by Fritz Lehmann, pp. 391-402. New York: Pergamon Press. (also appears in CMAIJ, above).
    8. Slator, Brian M. (1991). Using Context for Sense Preference. In Using On-Line Resources to Build a Lexicon, edited by Uri Zernik, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 65-90. (Revision of Proceedings of FILAW, below)
    9. Slator, Brian M. and Yorick A. Wilks (1991). PREMO: Parsing by Conspicuous Lexical Consumption. In Curren t Issues in Parsing Technologies, edited by Masura Tomita. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 85-102. (Revision of Proceedings of IWPT, below).
    10. Slator, Brian M. and Yorick A. Wilks (1990). Towards Semantic Structures from Dictionary Entries. Linguistic Approaches to Artificial Intelligence (LAAI), edited by Ulrich Schmitz, Rudiger Schutz and Andreas Kunz. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Publishing House. pp. 419-460. (Revision of RMCAI-87 and CRL-MCCS-87-96, below).
    11. Wilks, Yorick A., Dan C. Fass, Cheng-Ming G uo, James E. McDonald, Tony Plate, and Brian M. Slator (1989). A Tractable Machine Dictionary as a Resource for Computational Semantics. In Computational Lexicography for Natural Language Processing, edited by Bran Boguraev and Ted Briscoe. Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman and New York: Wiley and Sons. pp. 193-228. (Also as Proceedings of WNLTP, 1987, and CRL-MCCS-87-105, below).
    12. Conley, Walt, Brian M. Slator, Matthew P. Anderson, and Richard A. Sitze. (1986). Designing and Prototyping a Scientific Problem Solving Environment: The NMSU Science Workbench. Research Data Management in the Ecological Sciences, edited by William K. Michener. The Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science, No. 16. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. pp. 383-409. (Also as CRL-MCCS-85-3, below).

  5. Commentary and Bibliography

    1. Slator, Brian M. (1991). Review of Palmer's "Semantic processing for finite domains" Computational Linguistics, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 243-245.
    2. Slator, Brian M. (1990). What's That Up the Road, A Head?: a commentary on Dietrich's "Computationalism." Social Epistemology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 190-193, edited by Steve Fuller and Stephen Downes. London, New York: Taylor and Francis.
    3. Balogh, Imre and Brian M. Slator (1990). An Annotated Bibliography on the Foundations of AI. The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: A Source Book, edited by Derek Partridge and Yorick A. Wilks. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    4. Slator, Brian M. (1989). Decomposing Meat: a commentary on Sticklen's "Problem-solving Architecture at the Knowledge Level." Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI), Vol. 1, No. 4. pp. 259-262, edited by Eric Dietrich and Chris Fields. London, New York: Taylor and Francis.

  6. Technical Correspondence

    1. Slator, Brian M. (1996) Educational Technologies Utilized in the Audit Coach Project. Internal Auditor. Journal of the Institute of Internal Auditors. June. p. 37.
    2. Slator, Brian M. (1989). Extracting Lexical Knowledge from Dictionary Text: Research Note. The ACM SIGART Newsletter, (Special Issue on Knowledge Acquisition), No. 108, April, pp. 173-174.
    3. Slator, Brian M. (1987). More on Intelligent Interfaces. Communications of the ACM, (Forum Section), Vol. 30, No. 1. Jan. p. 6.

  7. Published Abstracts

    1. Opgrande, John and Brian M. Slator (2002). The Virtual Cell Research Support Tools Poster presentation and abstract, Proceedings of the Beyond Boundaries Conference: Integrating Technology into Teaching & Learning. UND: Grand Forks, ND, September 19-20 (CD-ROM).
    2. Saini-Eidukat, Bernhardt, Donald P. Schwert, Brian M. Slator, Otto Borchert, Robert Cosmano, Guy Hokanson Carson Rittel and Shannon Tomac (2002). A multi-user Internet based Geologic mapping exercise, in Beyond Boundaries, 2002: Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning [CD-ROM]. September 19-20, 2002. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
    3. Saini-Eidukat. Bernhardt, Donald P. Schwert, Brian M. Slator, Otto Borchert, Robert Cosmano, R. Guy Hokanson, Carson Rittel, and Shannon Tomac (2002). Virtual geologic mapping in the GeologyExplorer. Geological Society of American Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs. 34(6) p. 300.
    4. White, Alan R., Phillip E. McClean and Brian M. Slator (1999). The Virtual Cell: A Virtual Environment for Learning Cell Biology. The Tenth International Conference on College Teaching and Learning: Innovation in a Global Learning Community. April 14-17, 1999. Jacksonville, Florida.
    5. Sainieidukat, Bernhardt, Don Schwert and Brian M. Slator (1998). Text-Based Implementation of the Geology Explorer, a Multi-User Role-Playing Virtual World to Enhance Learning of Geological Problem-Solving. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 30, No. 7, October, 29. Toronto.
    6. Slator, Brian M. (1990). Response to Dietrich's "Computationalism", Soc. Epistem, 4(2), Ap-Je 90. Abstract in The Philosophers Index, Philosophy Documenation Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH (also appears in DIALOG, the on-line computer system).
    7. Slator, Brian M. and Stan Szpakowicz (co-chairs) (1989). Report of the Working Group: ``Knowledge Acquisition from Text.'' Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1, February, edited by John Boose and Brian Gaines.
    8. Slator, Brian M. (1988). Lexi cal Semantics and a Preference Semantics Parser for Text. In ``New Mexico State University's Computing Research Laboratory: Research in Progress.'' Edited by Yorick A. Wilks and Rebecca Gomez. The AI Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 1, Spring. pp. 79-94. (Also as CRL-MCCS-87-101).
    9. Slator, Brian M. (1988). A Preference Semantics Parser for Text. In Catalog of CRL Marketable Products. Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. January.
    10. Slator, Brian M. and Matthew P. Anderson. (1986). Impatient Users and Foreign-Speak. Computational Linguistics, Vol. 12, No. 2. April-June. pp. 154.

  8. Reviews of Published Work

    1. Trujillo, Arturo (1998). A Review of "Yorick A. Wilks, Brian M. Slator and Louise M. Guthrie, Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers, and Meanings. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996", appearing in Natural Language Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 187-189.
    2. Kilgarriff, Adam (1997). A Review of "Wilks, Slator, and Guthrie, Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers and Meanings. 1996. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press," appearing in the Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 35, No. 97, pp. 961-968.
    3. Lingua Survey of Books (1996). An Annotated Bibliography Entry for "Wilks, Slator, and Guthrie, Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers and Meanings. 1996. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press," appearing in No. 59, August.
    4. Michiels, Archibald (1996). A Review of "Wilks, Slator, and Guthrie, Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers and Meanings. 1996. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press," appearing in the Journal of Computational Linguistics, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 435-440.
    5. Warner, Julian (1996). A Review of "Wilks, Slator, and Guthrie, Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers and Meanings. 1996. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press," appearing in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science, October, pp. 791-792.

  9. Technical Presentations

    1. Clark, Jeffrey T., Brian M. Slator, James E. Landrum, III, Aaron Bergstrom. (2002). A digital archive network for anthropology. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association. September 9-15. Taipei, Taiwan.
    2. Clark, Jeffrey T., Brian M. Slator, Justin Hawley, James E. Landrum, III., Aaron Bergstrom, Melissa Zuroff, Eunice Johnston, Shawn Fisher. (2002). Virtual archaeology as a teaching tool. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference, CAA. April 2-6, 2002. Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
    3. Slator, Brian M, Donald Schwert, John Bauer, Rebecca Potter (1998). Panel Discussion: Designing and Building Highly Interactive, Multi-user, Internet-based, Adventure-style, Educational Games. ValleyCon 23, Doublewood Inn, Fargo, ND. September 26th.
    4. Slator, Brian M. (1997). Case-based Reasoning and Performance Support, Invited Address, Training and Education Forum. Research Communications, Intel Corporation, Portland, OR. April 10th
    5. Slator, Brian M. (1997). "Case-based Reasoning and Multimedia Educational Technology: Artificial Intelligence Meets Educational Games" a talk presented as part of the NDSU Psychology Department Colloquium Series; January 17, 1997, 3:30 PM, MinardHall 209
    6. Slator, Brian M. (1996). Multimedia Advances at the Intelligent Learning Center, Keynote Address, Mid-continent Information and DAtabase Systems Conference (MIDAS III), Fargo, ND, August 6-7.
    7. Gomez, Fernando, Paul Jacobs, Bill Manaris, Risto Miikkulainen, Robert Oakman and Brian M. Slator (1994). Natural Language Processing Tools and Environments: The Field in Perspective, Panel, Proceedings of IEEE 6th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, New Orleans, LA, pp. 227-238, November.
    8. Bareiss, E. Ray, and Brian M. Slator (1991). From Protos to ORCA: reflections on a unified approach to knowledge representation, categorization, and learning. Presentation at the Conference on Categorization and Category Learning by Humans and Machines (CCLHM). Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University. Oct. 11-12.
    9. Slator, Brian M., Richard H. Fowler, and Imre Balogh (1989). On Psychological Plausibility in Artificial Intelligence. Poster Presentation at the International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'89). Charlotte, NC: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. October 12.
    10. Slator, Brian M. and Stan Szpakowicz (co-chairs) (1988). Report of the Working Group: ``Knowledge Acquisition from Text.'' Oral Presentation at the 3rd Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop (AAAI). Banff, Canada. November 7-11.
    11. Slator, Brian M. (1988). Pragmatics and Word Sense Selection. Oral Presentation at the 3rd New Mexico Computer Science Conference. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. April, 22.
    12. Conley, Walt and Brian M. Slator. (1984). Implementing a Computing Support Environment for Ecological Research Teams: The NMSU Science Workbench. Poster Presentation at the Second International Congress on Computers in Science. Washington DC, Oct. 28 - Nov. 1.

  10. Technical Reports

    1. Guthrie, Louise, Joe Guthrie, Yorick A. Wilks, Jim Cowie, David Farwell, Brian Slator, and Rebecca Bruce (1992) , A research program on machine-tractable dictionaries and their application to text analysis. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-92-249). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
    2. Bruce, Rebecca, Yorick A. Wilks, Louise Guthrie, Brian Slator, and Ted Dunning (1992), NounSense - A Disambiguated Noun Taxonomy with a Sense of Humour. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-92-246). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
    3. Bareiss, E. Ray, and Brian M. Slator (1991). From Protos to ORCA: reflections on a unified approach to knowledge representation, categorization, and learning. (ILS Tech. Report #20) . Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
    4. Slator, Brian M., Christopher K. Riesbeck, Kerim C. Fidel, Maureen Zabloudil, Andrew Gordon, Michael S. Engber, Tamar Offer-Yehoshua, Ian Underwood (1991). TaxOps: Giving Expert Advice to Experts. Institute for the Learning Sciences (ILS Tech. Report #19) . Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
    5. Ledbetter, W. Nolan, Stuart W. Opp, Dean M. Roehrich, James C. Thiel, Scott B. Weiss and Brian M. Slator (Editor), (1990). Implications of Computing: Social, Medical, Financial, Political, and Personal. Department of Computer Science Technical Report. (NDSU-CS-TR-90-20-45). North Dakota State University, Fargo.
    6. Braaten, Kent and Brian M. Slator (1990). Explicating the Cross-reference Structure of Longman's Dictionary. Department of Computer Science Technical Report. (NDSU-CS-TR-90-17-42). North Dakota State University, Fargo.
    7. Slator, Brian M., Shahrzad Amirsoleymani, Sandra Andersen, Kent Braaten, John Davis, Rhonda Ficek, Hossein Hakimzadeh, Lester McCann, Joseph Rajkumar, Sam Thangiah, Daniel Thureen (1990) A Methodology for Empirically Deriving Semantic Classes. Department of Computer Science Technical Report. (NDSU-CS-TR-90-7-32). North Dakota State University, Fargo.
    8. Andersen, Sandra and Brian M. Slator (1990). Requiem for a Theory: the Story Grammar story. Department of Computer Science Technical Report. (NDSU-CS-TR-90-6-31). North Dakota State University, Fargo.
    9. Fowler, Richard H., Brian M. Slator and Imre Balogh (1989). On Psychological Plausibility in Artificial Intelligence. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-89-150). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
    10. Fowler, Richard H. and Brian M. Slator (1989). Information Retrieval and Natural Language Analysis. Department of Computer Science Technical Report. (NDSU-CS-TR-89-7). North Dakota State University, Fargo. (Also as RMCAI-89, above).
    11. Balogh, Imre, Richard H. Fowler, and Brian M. Slator. (1989). Cognitive Systems and Cognitive Reality. Department of Computer Science Technical Report. (NDSU-CS-TR-89-8). North Dakota State University, Fargo. (Also as RMCAI-89, above).
    12. Byrne, James M., Kevin J. Iliff, Walter D. Krein, Rebecca A. Massey, Daniel C. Olson, Paul R. Solheim, Keith A. Stowman, and Brian M. Slator (Editor), (1989). Reflections on the Social Implications of Computing. Department of Computer Scienc e Technical Report. (NDSU-CS-TR-89-9). North Dakota State University, Fargo.
    13. Slator, Brian M. (1988). Lexical Semantics and Preference Semantics Analysis. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-88-143). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. (Dissertation).
    14. Slator, Brian M. (1988). Lexical Semantics and a Preference Semantics Parser. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-88-116). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
    15. Slator, Brian M. and Yorick A. Wilks. (1987). Towards Semantic Structures from Dictionary Entries. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-87-96). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. (Also in Proceedings of RMCAI-87 ).
    16. Wilks, Yorick, Dan Fass, Cheng-Ming Guo, James E. McDonald, Tony Plate, and Brian M. Slator. (1987). A Tractable Machine Dictionary as a Resource for Computational Semantics. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-87-105). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. (Also in CLNLP, 1989, and Proceedings of WNLTP, 1987).
    17. Slator, Brian M., Walt Conley and Matthew P. Anderson. (1986). GRAFFER: An Adaptive and Transparent Interface. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-87-94). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. (Originally issued as CRL-MCCS-86-43 ).
    18. Slator, Brian M., Walt Conley and Matthew P. Anderson. (1986). Towards an Adaptive Front-End. Computing Research Laborat ory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-86-54). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
    19. Slator, Brian M. and Matthew P. Anderson. (1985). Pygmalion at the Interface: Impatient Users and Foreign-speak. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-85-26). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. (Expanded version published in CACM, 29, 7, 1986).
    20. Conley, Walt, Brian M. Slator, Matthew P. Anderson, and Richard A. Sitze (1985). Designing a Scientific Problem So lving Environment: The NMSU Science Workbench. Computing Research Laboratory Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science. (MCCS-85-3). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. (Also published in RDMES, 1986).
    21. Sachania, Vikash, Clint Burleson, Chris Esposito and Brian M. Slator. (1985). Database Management Systems: Rbase 4000 Tutorials. Department of Computer Science Technical Report. (NMSU-TR-85-CS-01). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.


  1. WDAY, KVLY, KVRR, KXJB (2000). Local Television coverage of NSF Award, Wed. Sept 13-14
    Feature stories on the $1.94 Million NSF grant, running on all four local television stations on the evening and morning news.
  2. Coomber, Sarah (2000). Dream worlds, real learning. Fargo Forum, Sept 14, pp. B1-2.
    Feature story on the WWWIC group and the $1.94 Million NSF grant award, to B. Slator, PI
  3. Ray, Bipasha (2000). NSF awards SU $1.9 million grant to develop virtual games. The NDSU Spectrum (student newspaper), 104(7), Tuesday, Sept 19th, page 1.
    Front page article on the WWWIC group and the $1.94 Million NSF grant award, to B. Slator, PI
  4. It9s Happening at State (2000). NDSU researcher receives $1.9 million NSF grant. Sept 20th, page 1-2 Ten paragraph article with photo about the $1.94 Million NSF grant award.
  5. NDSU Viewbook (2000). NDSU Faculty Enrich their Teaching by Discussing their Research in Classes and Involving Students in the Labs and Out in the Field. NDSU University Relations, page 8. (also online at http:// prospective_students/ viewbook/ faculty.shtml)
    Half-page description with photo of virtual environment research with reference to winning the Boyer award.
  6. It9s Happening at State (2000). State college faculty collaborate with NDSU researchers, February 23rd, page 4.
    Four paragraph notice about the ND-EPSCoR Faculty Laboratory and Research Experience (FLARE) award to Curt Hill, VCSU, and Brian Slator, faculty mentor, and their classroom use of a 3computerized learning environment2.
  7. It9s Happening at State (2000). Faculty to present at Internet2 conference, March 22rd, page 7.
    Six paragraph notice about the Spring 2000 Internet2 Member Meeting in Washington DC featuring the Virtual Cell and the Geology Explorer.
  8. It's Happening at State (2000). NDSU project showcased on Internet2 Web site. June 14, page 5
    Four paragraph notice about the Virtual Cell being the "showcase" site featured on the Internet2 home page.
  9. Cine Hugues (1999). Three-dimensional program to take students to next century. The NDSU Spectrum (student newspaper), 102(43), Friday, March 5th, page 1.
    Front page feature article, with photo, detailing the WWWIC projects in general and the Geology Explorer in particular.
  10. It9s Happening at State (1999). Web research group hits conference circuit. March 17th, page 7
    Seven paragraph article about the 8+ conference papers about to be published by the WWWIC group during the summer of 1999.
  11. Mikkelsen, Lindsey and Andrew Hass (1999). Governor9s School. Fargo Forum, Tuesday, July 6th, page B8
    Verge section feature article with photos about the NDSU Governor9s School including a 1-paragraph description of the Dollar Bay Retailing game.
  12. News for North Dakotans (1999). Two NSF Grants Bring Latest Technology, Instruction to NDSU. NDSU Agriculture Communication Newsletter. August 26th, page 10-12.
    Feature article describing EPSCoR equipment grant and development plans for the Virtual Cell
  13. It9s Happening at State (1999). Two NSF grants bring latest technology, instruction to NDSU. September 1st, page 3.
    Feature article describing EPSCoR equipment grant and development plans for the Virtual Cell (a revision of the 8/26/99 News for North Dakotans article).
  14. Christensen, Megan (1999). NDSU students explore virtual world through Internet. Fargo Forum, Sunday, September 5th, page E3
    Metro and State section feature article describing WWWIC role-based approach and the in-classroom experiments, particularly Geology Explorer at Minot State University.
  15. Associated Press (1999). NDSU students discover virtual experiences9 through the Internet. Reprinted in the Minot State University Red & Green (student newspaper), 81(3), September 16th (online at http:// www. misu. nodak. edu/ redgreen/ sept16_99/ ndsu.html)
    Feature article, revised from Christensen9s Fargo Forum article, picked up by the Associated Press.
  16. Fargo Forum (1999). NDSU Computer expert in satellite conference. Tuesday, October 5th, page A5
    Short 5-paragraph notice about the PBS Adult Learning Service satellite videoconference, Thursday, Oct. 7th, 1999.
  17. It9s Happening at State (1999). Slator scheduled as panelist for interactive satellite conference, October 6th, page 3.
    Six paragraph notice about the PBS Adult Learning Service satellite videoconference, Thursday, Oct. 7th, 1999.
  18. The NDSU Spectrum (1999), Slator invited to serve as videoconference panel member. 103(12), Friday, October 8th, page 3.
    Short 2-paragraph announcement about the PBS Adult Learning Service satellite videoconference, Thursday, Oct. 7th, 1999.


2002-2005 Research on Learning through Virtual Archaeology National Science Foundation (CCLI-EMD) No. DUE-0127521, Dr. Jeffrey Clark, PI, and Dr. Brian Slator three years, $420,000;
2001-2004 A Virtual Planet to Train Future Earth Scientists; US. Department of Education (FIPSE) # P116B011528; Oct. 2001 - Sep. 2004; Dr. Donald Schwert, PI, Dr. Brian Slator, Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat three years, $292,549;
2001-2003 The Digital Archive Network for Anthroplogy (DANA); National Science Foundtaion -- Digital Libraries NSDL (#0121709); Sep 2001 - Aug 2003; Dr. Jeffrey Clark, PI, Dr. Brian Slator, Dr. William Perrizo. two years, $712,289.
2001 NDSU College of Science and Mathematics Award for Excellence in Research. $1000 cash; $500 supplies.
2001-2002 North Dakota State University, Department of Graduate Studies and Research, Grant-in-Aid; Towards Construction of a Virtual Archeology Site; to Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, and Dr. Jeff Clark, Co-PI; one year, $6,000.
2000-2005 National Science Foundation (NSF-ITR) No. EIA-0086142 to Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, Dr. Phil McClean, Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Dr. Donald Schwert, Dr. Alan White. Systems for Learning Science and Assessing Student Learning; 5 years, $1.94 Million.
2000-2003 US. Department of Education (FIPSE) # P116B000734 to Dr. Alan White, PI, Dr. Phil McClean, and Dr. Brian Slator. Training Future Scientists with a Virtual Cell: 3 years, $366,006
2000-2002 ND-EPSCoR, IIP Seed Grant Award, Intelligent Tutoring Using Case-based Reasoning. Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, $10,000 for 1 year (renewable for 1 additional year).
2000 Ernest L. Boyer International Award for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology at the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL, April, 2000 $5000
2000 Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology Award (one of 35 given) at the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL, April 12-15, 2000
2000-2002 National Science Foundation (DUE-CCLI) No. DUE-9981094 to Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, and Dr. Don Schwert. New Directions in Virtual Geoscience Education; 23 months, $74,192.
1999 Undergraduate Research Salary Support, Dollar Bay Governor's School Project, Office of the President, Allan Fischer, NDSU, (to Brian Slator and Joe Latimer, Co-PIs). $2,000 for 6 months.
1998-1999 Undergraduate Research Salary Support, Geology Explorer Project, College of Science and Mathematics, Kevin McCaul, Dean and NDSU Computer Science Department, Ken Nygard, Chair, (to Brian Slator, PI, Bernie Saini-Eidukat, and Don Schwert) $3,700 for 9 months.
1998 ND-EPSCoR Science Bound Student Award to Jill Bozovsky $1,458
1998 ND-EPSCoR Faculty Laboratory And Research Experience Award (FLARE) to Curt Hill $6,400
1998 Nominated for the NDSU College of Science and Mathematics Meier Junior Faculty Award: $250 Nomination Award
1998-1999 National Science Foundation (GEO-ED), to Dr. Brian M. Slator, PI, Dr. Don Schwert, Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat. Learning by Doing Physical Geology in a Virtual Laboratory/Virtual Field Trip Computer Environment 1 year, $50,000
1998-2003 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the University of North Dakota, No. NCC5-310, to Dr. William Perrizo, PI, Dr. Suranjan Panigrahi, Dr. Ray Knighton, and Dr. Brian M. Slator. Public Access Resource Center Empowering the General Public to Use EOSDIS-Phase III; 5 years, $135,000.
1998 North Dakota State University, Faculty Development Committee, No. 3522-6010, to Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, PI, Dr. Don Schwert, and Dr. Brian M. Slator. Planet Oit: Virtual Laboratory for Physical Geology; 6 months, $2,500.
1998-2000 National Science Foundation (EHR-DUE) No. DUE-9752548, to Dr. Phil McClean, PI, Dr. Paul Juell, Dr. Don Schwert, Dr. Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, and Dr. Brian M. Slator. A Shared Development Environment for Science-based Courseware; 2 years, $155,000
1997 North Dakota State University, ND-EPSCoR, Equipment Repair for MOO Server $250.
1997-1998 North Dakota State University, Department of Graduate Studies and Research, Grant-in-Aid; Developing Software Tools for Developing Synthetic Environments; 1 year, $4,000.
1990-1996 The Institute for the Learning Sciences. Supervised funded research projects (Roger C. Schank, Principal Investigator), through Andersen Consulting and Ameritech (corporate sponsors); 6 years, $5.5 million.
1989-1990 North Dakota Board of Higher Educat ion, through EPSCoR of the National Science Foundation and the ASEND program; Natural Language Analysis for Knowledge Acquisition; $3,077 (year 1),
$19,502 (year 2).
1989-1990 North Dakota State University, Department of Graduate Studies and Research, Grant-in-Aid; Natural Language Analysis for Knowledge Acquisition; 1 year, $5,000.
1988-1990 National Science Foundation No. IRI-8811108, to Dr. Yorick A. Wilks, Principal Investigator; A Tractable Machine Dictionary as a Resource for Computational Semantics ; proposal by Wilks, Fass, Guo, McDonald, Plate, and Slator (1987); 2 years, $130,000/year.
1990 The Academic American Encyclopedia on CD-ROM; equipment and software from Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc.; $395.
1988 Travel and expense award for the best paper submitted by a graduate student; 3rd Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-based Systems Workshop, Banff, Canada; $500.
1987 Young Centennial Researcher Award, New Mexico State University.
1985-1988. Computing Research Laboratory Graduate Fellowship, New Mexico State University 3 years, $12,000/year.
1986 American Mensa Education and Research Foundation Scholarship Competition. $100.


  1. CS-FSC (1998-present). Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Computer Science Department
  2. CAINE-98 (1998). Session Chair. 11th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry And Engineering. Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 11-13. Dr. William Perrizo, Conference Chair.
  3. US-AC-TEL (1998-present). Committee member, University Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Technology-Enhanced Learning. Don Schwert, Chair
  4. CS-MIS (1998-present). Committee member, Management Information Sciences (MIS) Steering Committee. Leo Vijayasarathy, Chair.
  5. NDSU-GIA (1998). Referee, Grant-in-Aid Program. NDSU Office of Research Administration. Bill Perrizo, Interim Dean.
  6. ITR-2008 (1998-present) Committee member. Information Technology Roundtable (ITR) 2008 Working Group. Bill Perrizo, Interim Dean of Research, NDSU, Chair
  7. CAINE-98 (1998). Reviewer. 11th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry And Engineering. Dr. William Perrizo, Conference Chair.
  8. ITR-ITTL (1997-present) Committee member. Information Technology Roundtable (ITR) Working Group on Information Technology Training and Literacy. Mark England, Assistant Director, NDSU Libraries, Chair
  9. ATP-ITR (1996-present). Committee member. Academic Technology Partnership (ATP) subcommittee of the NDSU Information Technology Roundtable (ITR). Dr. Phil McClean, Associate Professor, NDSU Plant Sciences, Chair.
  10. WWWIC (1996-present). Committee member. World Wide Web Instructional Committee (WWWIC). Paul Juell, Associate Professor, NDSU Computer Science, Chair.
  11. WOW-ITR (1996-1997). Committee member. Working on the Web (WOW) subcommittee of the NDSU Information Technology Roundtable (ITR). Rosi Kloberdanz, Chair.
  12. ANLP-97 (1996). Reviewer. Association for Computational Linguistics, National Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing. Dr. Martha Evens, Session Chair; Ralph Grishman, Program Chair.
  13. ITS'96 (1996). Session Chair: Collaborative Learning 2. Third International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'96). Claude Frasson, Conference Chair.
  14. IEEE-Computer (1995-1996) Guest Editor. IEEE Computer Magazine, Special Issue on Interactive Natural Language Processing. July, 1996 (with Dr. Bill Manaris).
  15. ICLS'96 (1996) Reviewer, International Conference on the Learning Sciences. Danny Edelson and Eric Domeshek, Program Co-Chairs.
  16. RCS-LEQSF (1994). Out-of-state Reviewer, Research Competitiveness Subprogram of the Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund ; Priscilla Kilcrease, Assistant Commissioner for Sponsored Programs.
  17. IEC-CNRS (1994). Session Chair, International Engineering Consortium Conforum on Network Reliability and Survivability (session on User Perspectives). Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 20-22. James Downey, Program Chair.
  18. IEEE-TKDE (1994). Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering . Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Editor.
  19. ID-IIT (1994). Review Student Projects, The Insititute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology as part of a grant funded by the Joyce Foundation, Betsy Hughes, Director of Development and Public Affairs.
  20. IEEE-CTAI (1993). Program Committee and Reviewer, 5th IEEE Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence , Fernando Gomez, Vice-Chair.
  21. IEEE-Expert (1993). Reviewer, IEEE Expert Special Track on Processing Natural Language, Terry Patten and Paul Jacobs, Guest Editors.
  22. PACLING (1993). Reviewer, First Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics . Vancouver, Canada. Fred Popowich, PACLING'93 Program co-chair.
  23. CL (1991-present). Reviewer, Computational Linguistics, Edited by James F. Allen. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  24. ICLS. (1991). Session Chair, Session 4-D, Industrial Training, The International Conference on the Learning Sciences, Northwestern University, August 4-7.
  25. NSF. (1990-present). Reviewer, National Science Foundation, Knowledge Models and Cognitive Systems Program; Helen M. Gigley, Program Director.
  26. IJMMS. (1988-present). Reviewer, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies , Edited by Brian R. Gaines and D. R. Hill. London: Academic Press.
  27. JETAI. (1988-present). Reviewer, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence , Edited by Eric Dietrich and Chris Fields. London, New York: Taylor and Francis.
  28. RMCAI-90. (1990). Reviewer, 5th Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Yorick A. Wilks, Program Chair.
  29. ISMIS'90. (1990). Reviewer, International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Zbigniew Ras, Program Chair.
  30. COLING-88. (1988). Auxiliary Reviewer, 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary.
  31. AAAI-87. (1987). Auxiliary Reviewer, 6th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA.
  32. CACM. (1986). Reviewer, Communications of the ACM , Special Section on the Human Aspects of Computing, Edited by Henry Ledgard, Vol. 29, No. 7, July.


  1. Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education (AACE)
  2. International Society for Computer and the Their Applications (ISCA)
  3. American Assoc. for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
  4. Assoc. for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
  5. Assoc. for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  6. Inst. of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  7. Rocky Mtn. Soc. for Artificial Intelligence (RMSAI)
  8. Blue Key Honor Society (Undergraduate)
  9. Eta Phi Alpha (Undergraduate - Co-educational Honor ``Fraternity'')


    1. North Dakota State University, Department of Computer Science.
      • CS488: Human-Computer Interaction (9/98-12/98)
      • CS128: Computer Science Problem Solving (9/96-12/96, 9/97-12/97)
      • CS345: Topics in Computer Science (1/97-5/97, 1/98-5/98).
      • CS426: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (1/97-5/97, 1/98-5/98).
      • CS372: Comparative Programming Languages (5/97-6/97, 5/98-6/98)
      • CS214: Self-paced C (5/97-6/97)
      • CS525: Computational Linguistics (graduate, 8/89-11/89).
      • CS596: Computational Linguistics II (graduate, 11/89-3/90).
      • CS583: Computational Linguistics III (graduate, 3/90-5/90).
      • CS424: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3/89-5/89).
      • CS489: Social Implications of Computing (11/88-3/89, 11/89-3/90).
      • CS370: Comparative Programming Languages (8/88-11/88, 8/89-11/89).
      • CS145: Introduction to Computer Science (service course, non-majors; 11/88-3/89, 3/90-5/90).
    2. New Mexico State University, Department of Computer Science.
      • CS471: Programming Language Structure I. (Teaching Assistant; 6/84-8/84).
      • CS271: Algorithmic Computations. (Pascal Programming for CS Majors, formal lecture; 1/84-8/84).
      • CS273: Machine Programming and Organization. (PDP-11 Assembler, informal lecture, Q&A; 8/83-12/83).
    3. University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, Computer Center. Student Consultant and Tutor (6/81-5/83).

    Last Updated: Feb 20, 1999, 4Sep01; Contact: