WWWIC Disclaimer and Privacy Statement

The Worldwide Web Instructional Committee (WWWIC) at North Dakota State University creates educational simulations for the purpose of research into learning. As such, we collect voluminious data about visitors (called players hereafter), and analyze these data to study: 1) how players use our technology; 2) the manner in which they learn from it; and 3) how they interact with each other within these virtual contexts.

Therefore, we are as thorough as possible about logging player actions, from each and every player, including children. This includes everything that is done and everything that is "said" while a player is logged on; and we save these data indefinitely.

We do this in order to learn about learning, while encouraging players to "play nice". Consequently, this is neither an "opt in" nor an "opt out" site. If you don't want data collected about your play of our games, you must simply choose not to play them.


We use player information for research purposes and will not publish any personally identifiable information in research journals, conference proceedings, white papers, research proposals, or technical reports. We will not distribute any personally identifiable information obtained from players to a third party except when required by University policy or as required by law. We reserve the right to use email addresses we collect for the purpose of follow-up studies, product announcements, and the like.

History: 30June01
Contact: slator@cs.ndsu.edu