week due [reading] {program- (points) due on week above)
AI as a paradigm - take insolvable problem, microworld, bag of tricks
1 [Ch1] AI: history and applications
[Ch2] the predicate calculus
[Ch10] lisp
2 {prog1 (20) simple lisp} [Ch3] structures and strategies for state space search
[Ch4] heuristic search
3 [Ch5] control and implementation of state space search
[Ch9] an introduction to Prolog
4 [Ch6] knowledge-intensive problem solving (rule-based expert systems)
[Ch7] reasoning with uncertain or incomplete information
5 {prog2 (30) blocks} [Ch12] automated reasoning
6 TEST 1
7 {prog4 (10) proposal for rules system due T}
{prog3 (30) due R missionaries and cannibals}
[Ch8] knowledge representation
8 [Ch11] natural language
9 {prog5 (30) full rule system } [Ch8] [GUS] advanced representation in Prolog (we will use FRL in lisp)
11 TEST 2 {prog6 grammar for English} [Ch12] automated reasoning
[Ch13] machine learning: symbolic learning
[Ch14] machine learning: connectionist (Neural networks)
12 genetic algorithms
13 {prog7 (30) simple GUS} second time around on some topics computational linguistics
14 {prog8 (30) simple GA or NN program}
15 TEST 3
16 {prog9 (30) grammar solving a problem}
Final (200)