CS 345: Special Topics: Network Applications

Call Number: #35891 (prereq COMP 161 or COMP 228)

TR 4:00-5:15
IACC, Rm. #104

Office hours: see Spring 2004 Schedule, or by appt.
CS345 Grader: sunil.kolluru@ndsu.nodak.edu

Dr. Brian M. Slator

Computer Science Department
North Dakota State University
Office: IACC #258-A24
Phone: 701-231-6124
Fax: 701-231-8255

Announcements, etc

    • Lesson Plans
    • NO CLASS on Thursday, April 22nd
    • The Student e-mail List needed for the progress report system.
    • The Online Progress Report system is ready
      Progress reports due: midnight, Thursday, April 22nd
      See the Progress Report Example
    • Product Image Team: use the box outside my door to return materials. Don't forget to cross off your list.
    • Deadlines: April 8th (graphics), April 15th (software), April 20th (release)
    • Discussion from the Teacher Survey Team
    • The Scribes Page is online
    • A page of links to possible graphics for Dollar Bay
    • Strategy: Mar 23: Discussion of steps to implement the study
    • A preliminary Demo Path
    • --------------Spring Break------------------
    • There is now a folder of letters
    • Possible teaching materials: Assessment Scenarios
    • Photoshop Demonstration: Mar 4: Mandatory Attendance
    • Discussion: Mar 2: progress and planning
    • The Shopper Types AND Neighborhood Demographics AND Individual Shoppers
    • See the Updated Assignments
    • Dear Principal letter (MSWord document)
    • Planning: Feb 26, Project Teams, ver. 2.0
    • Brochure images: page one and page two
    • Planning: Feb 24, MORE about Project Teams
    • Current grades are posted
    • No Class: Feb 19
    • Planning: Feb 17, define the Project Teams
    • Demonstration: Feb 12, the New Dollar Bay, and the new Bug Report system
    • Discussion: Feb. 12, the Advance Team mission and membership
    • Assignment (100 points): Due Tuesday, Feb. 24th at 4PM. Play the new Dollar Bay (100 pts) and report a bug to the listserv (5 pts), report the most bugs (5 pts).
      see the download page to get your cient software.
    • Assignment (50 points): Due Thursday, Feb. 12th at 4PM. Subscribe to the NDSU-CS345-SRVR Listserv.
      1. use your preferred email client (use of HOTMAIL is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED)
      2. send a message to listserv@listserv.nodak.edu
      3. in the BODY of the message include the following:
        subscribe ndsu-cs345-srvr
      Note: if you do not get a confirmation email within just a few minutes, then you have done something wrong, and need to follow the instructions more closely
    • Presentation: Feb. 5, How MUD Games Work
    • Presentation: Jan. 29, Economic Environments
    • Assignment (100 pts): Due Thursday, Jan 29th at 4PM. Create a store in Dollar Bay (extra credit (5 pts) if your store is out of debt by then) and send email to THE GRADER with at least one "suggestion for improvement"
    • Demonstration: Jan. 22, Dollar Bay
    • Presentation: Jan. 20 Role-based Virtual Environments
    • Preliminary Schedule: Dollar Bay Feasability Study
      1. February-March:
        a. software testing and bug reporting
        b. creating help files, how-to guides, other related materials
        c. developing potential lesson plans for Junior High teachers
        d. adding content in the form of new products, images, etc
        e. develop survey instruments to gather data and/or testimonials from teachers (and maybe also students?)
      2. April 1st: Begin
        a. contacting local teachers about using the game in classes
        b. visiting schools to do software installations and give demonstrations
        c. providing tech support (and creating a log of tech support issues)
        d. making observations and administering surveys
      3. May 1st, the "experiment" is over
      4. May 1-15: data are collated and results are analyzed and written into a formal report
    • Preliminary Project Idea: Dollar Bay Feasability Study
      1. Analyze and Evaluate current Dollar Bay simulation
      2. Develop a plan for a local "pilot" test
      3. Develop a set of promotional materials including brochures, invitiation to participate, etc.
      4. Develop ancillary materials including workbooks, lesson plans, online resources
      5. Develop assessment and evaluation instruments including online surveys, and gathering testimonials
      6. Develop new content for the new version of Dollar Bay
      7. Conduct a "field study" with tech support, help desk, etc (with a view towards automating this function).
      8. Write a summary report on the project.

    • Reading assignment for class on Tuesday, January 20th
      1. Rushing Headlong into the Past
      2. Learning by Earning

      For future reference (not assigned yet)

    • Photoshop Instruction Guide
    • Read how agent based simulation is "too state-of-the-art"
    • Register for this course on Blackboard
    • Required Reading: LambdaMOO Programmers Manual (see below)


Semester Schedule

Course Overview

CS345: Topics in Personal Computers: Network Applications, will be a course devoted to the study of network services and the development of internet resources. This semester we will again take a project oriented approach. In particular, we will develop an internet-based multi-user virtual environment that is an educational game

General Comments

  • You are expected to be here. Come to class -- attendance will be taken semi-regularly. If you miss class, come and speak to me. This WILL affect your grade.
  • Participate, cooperate, and help others.
  • You can expect a substantial amount of outside class effort for this course.
  • This document will change over the course of the semester.
    You should check here at least once a week.
  • Periodically you might be asked to take a survey or some other in-class activity. These will not be graded, but they will be a form of taking attendance.

The principal project activity will revolve around the evaluation, redesign, and implementation of an educational game: TBD. Class members will be assigned to groups working on different parts of the project: graphics, client-side implementation, server-side implementation, and web-site modules. We will begin with a structured analysis of the existing system, and then design our solutions as a group. Everyone will be expected to participate in this process, which will entail interactions during class time, and both among and between the working groups.

Course Structure

For various reasons, including the large number of students enrolled, this semester's offering will be something of an experiment aimed at a) providing a more authentic educational experience, and b) placing more responsibility for learning in the hands of the student.

To do this, the course will be organized along more business-like lines with:

  1. a student organized project plan
  2. a student managed schedule of milestones, and
  3. regular and frequent peer review and evaluation


The class will work on furthering the design and development of an educational simulation. The broad parameters of the design are already established (see, for example, the Blackwood page or the Dollar Bay page).
  1. The project will be organized more-or-less like a consulting engagement. The overall parameters will be set by the CEO and managing partner
  2. There will be a more-or-less democratic process for electing a hierarchy of management
    • Project Manager
      coordinate between groups; set schedules; establish global milestones; monitor progress; write evaluations and reports; facilitate teams
    • Java Team Leader
      good programming skills; mentor team members; assign jobs; set schedules; establish local milestones; monitor progress; arrange "training"; write evaluations
    • Server Team Leader
      same as above
    • Graphics Team Leader
      same as above
    • Web-site Team Leader
      same as above
    • Scribe/Chronicler(s)
      ability to write clearly; well-organized; good note-taker; basic HTML knowledge; will maintain class record
  3. Evaluation of student progress will by peer review and student committee. Evaluations will be frequent, and will be the primary factor in determining semester grades
    CEO/Managing Partner will have oversight and final word.
    NOTE: student privacy will be protected in grade postings.
  4. A special job: Scribe/Chroniclers, who will process the reports, post design documents and schedules, design evaluation forms, take minutes, record decisions, and take notes. These persons will also be the authors of the 15-page paper describing the semester experience, co-authored by everyone in class, and submitted to a conference.
    Don't believe me?
  5. The process:
    • Resumes: you say what you know
    • Candidacy: students are presented as leadership candidates, the slate is determined by the CEO
    • Election: candidates introduce themselves, and an election is held
    • Draft: teams are assembled by the team leaders, based on resumes
    • Progress Reports: every few weeks, an online form is filled out, enumerating goals and progress
    • Peer Evaluation: each team member evaluates team member progress
      • team members evaluate each other
      • team members evaluate team leaders
      • team leaders evaluate team members
      • team leaders evaluate project leaders
      • project leaders evaluate team leaders

Required Reading:

There is no textbook required for this course, although many of you will end up buying a book for your own use, depending on your group. In addition, you will read almost every word of this document (and you will be tested on it):
  • Online LambdaMOO Programmer's Manual (LambdaMOO Version 1.8.0p6, March 1997)
    There are a number of copies online, both text and html versions, in a number of pretty similar versions: 1.8.0p6 is the most recent.

    Relevant Links

    Client Software

    All homework assignments will be completed in the Blackwood MOO, which is an instance of a LambdaMOO server. In order to do the assignments, you will need access to an Editing Client. The following are available.


    Grades will be assigned according to the customary system:
    • A 100%-90%;
    • B 89%-80%;
    • C 79%-70%;
    • D 69%-60%;
    • F 59% or less
    Assignments and exams will be scored as follows:

    4Final Report150

    Policy on Late Assignments

    There is no happy way to assign lateness demerits. For the purposes of this class, it is never too late to turn in work (until grades are turned in at the end of the semester)

    However, the later an assignment is produced, the less it is worth.

    Therefore, the policy will be this: late assignments will lose a letter grade immediately, and then another letter grade after two weeks.

    Special Needs
    NDSU Academic Affairs New Course Syllabi Requirement

    Any student with disabilities or other special needs, who needs special accomodations in this course, is invited to share these concerns or requests with the instructor as soon as possible.

    Academic Dishonesty or Misconduct
    NDSU Academic Affairs New Course Syllabi Requirement

    Work in this course must adhere to the Code of Academic Responsibility and Conduct as cited in "Rights & Responsibilities of Community: A Code of Student Conduct" (1993) pp. 29-30. "The academic community is operated on that basis of honesty, integrity, and fair play. Occasionally, this trust is violated when cheating occurs, either inadvertently or deliberately .....Faculty members may fail the student for the particular assignment, test, or course involved, or they may recommend that the student drop the course in question, or these penalties may be varied with the gravity of the offense and the circumstances of the particular case."

    Academic dishonesty can be divided into four categories and defined as follows:

    • Cheating: Intentionally using or attemping to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise.
    • Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
    • Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
    • Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise.

    Would you like to know the Current Time?
    Hits since New Years, 2003:
    Send comments to: slator@cs.ndsu.edu