Lab 11

11/16/00 10AM Thanks to Riley Verret who wrote:

there is an error in the circleIntersect method in the second part of the lab
when it calculates the distance between the centers it uses the .getX() and
.getY() methods which give the upper left corners of the boxs around the circles and not the centers of the circles
should be: double dx = (c1.getX()+radius1) - (c2.getX()+radius2);
                double dy = (c1.getY()+radius1) - (c2.getY()+radius2);
this was really bugging me until I found out the problem  =)

11/00 Thanks to Emeric Jarnier who wrote:

... in the method circleIntersect, the result
given is the contrary of what is should. In other word, this sign > is in
the wrong way because it should be distance < radius1+ radius2

also: getHeight()/getWidth() is meant as one or the other respectively
(not as a division)

Lab 8

10/25/00 9:30am

The comment in R4:  Change the line of code: for (n = 0; n < nrows - 1; n = n + 2) to be for (n = 1; n <= nrows; n++)
doesn't make sense.  The program does increment n twice per loop as you have probably noticed:  Just find
the cause of that and remove it.  The loop header:  for (n = 0; n < nrows - 1; n = n + +)
is fine.

Lab 7

10/18/00 12pm

A bit late, sorry about that:

Lab 6 beta

9/29/00 4PM Thanks to Emeric Jarnier who wrote:

Just a little remark for the lab 6, in the program p2. It is said that the
program will count the number of year between a user input year end the
year 2000. But in the lab the variable millennium is set to 3000.

Lab 5 beta

9/22/00 5:15pm

the ColorMixer program was just updated.  There were several "errors"
in the code so that the results did not make physical sense.

Lab 4 beta

(i.e. mistakes will be corrected at least 24 hours before due-date of previous lab)

9/19/00 4PM Thanks to Emeric Jarnier who wrote:

again i have a question in assignment 4 (lab4), in the
exercise P5 where we have to draw the intersection points
of a line with two others. There is a question here where
it says we have to try the program with a value of x = 160.
And i suppose you wanted to say try the program with a
value of 'v = 160'. I suppose so because we ask the user
the value of v.
[has been corrected: it should be v]

9/19/00 4PM

In lab 4 P5: getWidth() replaced with getHeight()

9/19/00 2:16PM

Mitch Keller found more errors in the labs:  (I have made the correction and put the corrected
version on line.)
Hi  Dr. Erickson,

In the description of P4, it says that "[t]he second (horizontal) line
has the equation x = 100" However, this is actually a _vertical_ line.
In the same fashion, the third line is called vertical when it should be
horizontal. ...


Lab 3 beta

(i.e. mistakes will be corrected at least 24 hours before due-date of previous lab)

9/10/00 10:05AM Thanks to Emeric Jarnier who wrote:

For program P3, there is something not really clear. In P2,
you tell us to implement the method insertToken(), that is
ok. But in P3, the class you give for testing the one we
did, you use the method addToken().

[insertToken() will be used in both]

Lab 2

9/6/00 6:14PM Thanks to Mitchel Todd Keller who wrote:

  Hi Dr. Erickson,

  I was working on Lab 2 for CSCI 160 and found an error in P4. It says
  that the computation "will result in account being assigned the value
  355.40 ." However, using the given numbers to test, 525.40 and 150, the
  actual value should be 375.40. ...


9/6/00 3:06PM Thanks to Emeric Jarnier who wrote:

..., there is a mistake in this assignement, in R4 :
integers can go up to a little more than 2,000,000,000 ...
[rather than ... a little more than 2,000,000 ...]